

Blurt out 脱口而出【英语】

Language is the art of blurting out ! Blurting out is the best way to learn a Language ! It's not enough to just understand what you read . Nor is it enough to just understand what you hear. You can master a language by speaking ! You can really learn something by blurting out ! Blurting out is the best way to prove your English level ! Blurting Out !This is the real success ! 语言就是要脱口而出的艺术! 学习语言就是苦练脱口而出! 看懂是骗人的! 听懂是骗人的! 只有说出来才是自己的! 只有脱口而出才算是真正“学到东西”! 脱口而出是检验英语水平的唯一标准! 脱口而出!这才是真正的成功!